We also found a lady who is a little bit crazy and super hippie. She talked a lot to us about the earth and energy and meditating and spirits and past lives and things like that. We have only had one lesson with her but today we are going to teach her again so we will see how that goes! She is super happy to receive us and when we gave her a Book of Mormon she was really grateful and said she was going to read it even if it took her 5 years (but we are hoping it wont take quite that long haha). She is really great and has a lot of potential.
Potential is something I've learned a lot about in the mission. I've learned how much potential everyone has and how much worth everyone really has. It makes me want to talk to every one and it really makes me love every one here!
We are also teaching a girl named Yuyunis. She is 10 and her mom is inactive, but she is GREAT! She really wants to be baptized and has already stopped drinking tea and has attended church 4 times. She has a baptism date in two weeks and we are all super excited for her!
This Wednesday we had divisions so I went to Rengo with Hermaña Gardiner and I FINALLY got to use bikes!!!! I was pretty stoked. The bikes were purple and super girlie and the brakes don't work, but hey, better than nothing. Hermaña Gardiner has 5 months in the mission. It's weird because suddenly I'm not the new missionary, there are a lot of people with less time than me... also I can't use the excuse of not understanding Spanish anymore if I don't want to answer a question, because I've got a good amount of time here and I can totally understand now haha.
Anyways things here are going great, I feel like I have learned so much and grown so much these past weeks and although its hard changing sectors, I know I'm where I need to be right now. Love you all bye!
Hermaña Wittwer