Last week I mentioned a dessert competition that I won. Well, it turns out my cooking skills have hit low key famous. This week all the members wanted to have a Family Home Evening with me and wanted to make cupcakes! We actually did do that with the Family Torres, and Andrea and her family this week so that was awesome!
We have been teaching lots of people and meeting lots of new people too! My sector seriously has so much potential, I'm praying that I won't change sectors this change!
One person we have been teaching a lot is Andrea. I honestly cannot express my love for Andrea. We taught her this week and she expressed to us how grateful she is to have found the góspel and how she has already received so many blessing from it. She told me "The other day a friend sent me a message needing a favor, and it was something that before I would have told her that I couldn't do. But I feel different now. I decided to sacrifice a few things so I could help her out. I think that it's because of the church, and I've only just begun. I'm excited to see who I will be after being in the church more time!". This, my friends, is what the obra misional is about. Its about changing people and while doing it changing ourselves for the better. Its about being a little kinder, a little more humble every day. And its about helping people to be more happy.
I am so grateful for this opportunity to be a missionary. I've hit my highest highs and the lowest lows here in the misión. And I've grown so much for it. I know that this is God's work and that I'm just a tool down here. That what I'm doing is only a small part, a little piece of the puzzle, but oh how I love being that small part!
Hermaña Wittwer