Also other quick soccer story when USA played Argentina in the semi finals I happened to be on a division with Hermana Fea... who is from Argentina. Its safe to say there was a lot of trash talk going on that all got thrown back in my face. We talked to a member earlier that day and made him promise to call us with every goal and keep us updated- it was a pretty funny situation. My district is just a bunch of gringos so in our district meeting the next day we had a moment of silence to mourn our loss.
Sorry enough soccer lets talk about my investigators. This week we taught a lot of people and we are finally starting to see some progress. When I got here we had absolutely nothing in my sector and it was super hard on me but lately we have been seeing so many miracles and finding people who God really has prepared for us. The mission is hard but the little things make is so worth it!!
Also Sunday in church was AMAZING! We had so many people in the church that we had to set up more chairs in the middle of it. And Carmen came to church!!!!! It was my first investigator in the church and it seriously made me so happy. We also had two of the less active families that we are teaching come too and I almost cried to see them in the church.
Anyways love you all and hope you're all enjoying the nice warm summer because its freezing here. Until next week!
Hermana Wittwer